Corporate Events

Looking for a unique way to add energy and excitement to your corporate golf outing? Consider adding Critter Power Golf to your event. Your business professionals and clients will love it and the possibilities are endless.


Fundraising/Charity Events

Your charity or fundraiser golf outing will greatly benefit from the addition of Critter Power Golf. From demonstrations to extra donation opportunities—Critter Power Golf has an array of customizable packages with no out of pocket expense.


Member Appreciation Days

Country Club, Golf Club, any club with members. Treat your membership to a fun-filled power golf demonstration and top it off with trick shots involving watermelons, basketballs, or whatever you can dream up.


Golf Demonstration Examples

  • Par 5 Set Up and Drive for “CASH”
  • Par 5
  • High Tee
  • Basketball Shot
  • In Motion Shot
  • Watermelon Shot

Booking Request